Creative Narrative: NLP * Human * AI
Presentation introducing the Creative Narrative Workshop, with a bunch of text toys and experiments using NLP in creative ways.
NLP Tips & Tricks
Normconf talk on real-life NLP struggles (entities, resolution/norming, spacy pipes)
Text Toys
Artistic NLP Projects
A talk on table2text tools and techniques, using Dwarf Fortress legends data to illustrate.
Views on Deep Text
Some analysis process of an attempt to visualize and use VAE poetry generation in a prototype tool.
Getting Your Data Joie de Vivre (Back)
A keynote talk for Europython 2019 and PyData London 2019 on fun data apps and hacks. Some data vis, react, word2vec vis, poetry editing tools, AI art.
Interactive Tools and Big Data
A talk for Data Vis panel at EMAEE19, Univ of Sussex, June 2019.
Tl;dr: Summarization.
A talk overviewing NLP summarization goals and metrics, given as keynote at PyData Warsaw, with some non-news experiments and commentary on artistic applications.
Visualizing Stories
A talk on the story generation system "Plotto" and some cultural critique afterwards. Delivered at Ecole de Design in Nantes in September 2018.
AI for Newcomers
Data Sources and Tools "Out There"
Aimed at a non-programming audience primarily - data set access and tools.
Exploring Big Visual Collections
A short talk on approaches to exploring big visual collections and some tools available
Intro to Big Data and Data Science
Big Data talk for undergrads in St Etienne.
Big Data and Data Science Overview
Updated version of big data & data science for a lecture in MSc course in Quant Finance, Paris
Design for Interactive Data Vis (Lyon 2016)
An introductory talk on interactive visualization principles, particularly applicable to journalism. Lots of examples.
Product Reviews with NLP and Elasticsearch
Dato/Turi Data Science Symposium, June 12-13, SF.
A Little Twist on Reality
Talk for Alt-Ai in NYC, May 22, 2016
Teaching Interactive Data Vis
Design for Interactive Data Vis
An introductory talk on interactive visualization principles, particularly applicable to journalism. Lots of examples.
Text Analysis Without Programming
An intro talk on text analysis relevant to journalists, digital humanists, and anyone with words to analyze. Focused on free or cheap tools, with a lot of visualization, too.
What is Big Data, Anyway?
A presentation for non-technical folks in Communications and Journalism about some recent (and historical) trends in "Big Data."