• Creative Narrative: NLP * Human * AI

    Presentation introducing the Creative Narrative Workshop, with a bunch of text toys and experiments using NLP in creative ways.

  • NLP Tips & Tricks

    Normconf talk on real-life NLP struggles (entities, resolution/norming, spacy pipes)

  • Text Toys

  • Artistic NLP Projects

  • Dwarf2Text

    A talk on table2text tools and techniques, using Dwarf Fortress legends data to illustrate.

  • Views on Deep Text

    Some analysis process of an attempt to visualize and use VAE poetry generation in a prototype tool.

  • Getting Your Data Joie de Vivre (Back)

    A keynote talk for Europython 2019 and PyData London 2019 on fun data apps and hacks. Some data vis, react, word2vec vis, poetry editing tools, AI art.

  • Interactive Tools and Big Data

    A talk for Data Vis panel at EMAEE19, Univ of Sussex, June 2019.

  • Tl;dr: Summarization.

    A talk overviewing NLP summarization goals and metrics, given as keynote at PyData Warsaw, with some non-news experiments and commentary on artistic applications.

  • Visualizing Stories

    A talk on the story generation system "Plotto" and some cultural critique afterwards. Delivered at Ecole de Design in Nantes in September 2018.

  • AI for Newcomers

  • Data Sources and Tools "Out There"

    Aimed at a non-programming audience primarily - data set access and tools.

  • Exploring Big Visual Collections

    A short talk on approaches to exploring big visual collections and some tools available

  • Intro to Big Data and Data Science

    Big Data talk for undergrads in St Etienne.

  • Big Data and Data Science Overview

    Updated version of big data & data science for a lecture in MSc course in Quant Finance, Paris

  • Design for Interactive Data Vis (Lyon 2016)

    An introductory talk on interactive visualization principles, particularly applicable to journalism. Lots of examples.

  • Product Reviews with NLP and Elasticsearch

    Dato/Turi Data Science Symposium, June 12-13, SF.

  • A Little Twist on Reality

    Talk for Alt-Ai in NYC, May 22, 2016

  • Teaching Interactive Data Vis

  • Design for Interactive Data Vis

    An introductory talk on interactive visualization principles, particularly applicable to journalism. Lots of examples.

  • Text Analysis Without Programming

    An intro talk on text analysis relevant to journalists, digital humanists, and anyone with words to analyze. Focused on free or cheap tools, with a lot of visualization, too.

  • What is Big Data, Anyway?

    A presentation for non-technical folks in Communications and Journalism about some recent (and historical) trends in "Big Data."