Lynn Cherny, Assoc Prof of Data Science
emlyon business school
AIMS (June 2017)
Out there
NYT example (requires an API key you get for free)
After you have data in your sheet,
click on the "Explore" button on the lower right and click around in your data. It will recommend charts/analysis.
Calling APIs from R (article)
NYT article search in R using API key and call
TextRazor - entity analysis in Text
GDELT (news article/event data)
NYC Cabs
Weather History
Chicago Crime
Baseball, etc.
intro: What is BigQuery?
Querying open Street Map data for the whole world
Also uses SQL. This is the single most useful data tool to learn, IMO.
Tutorial for my classes: SQLBolt
(without programming)
(without programming)
Online example here
Also works with a directory of files... Clinton emails converted to text from PDF:
Research OSM tags, Query OSM on Athena, Reformat in Data Wrangler to extract Name and Site Type, Map in Tableau.
Lynn Cherny
other decks you might like, including "Text Analysis Without Programming"